Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Julia Cameron's Writing Diet

Julia Cameron recently published a book titled The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size. On one hand, it seems a silly and shameless marketing ploy (how many woes can "Morning Pages" cure?), but on the other, she does raise the valid point that stifled creativity often results in overeating. For me personally, the link between not writing and too much Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie frozen yogurt is clear.

Please feel free to join me in the vow to count words rather than calories in 2008.


Anonymous said...

what do you do when you don't feel like writing? or you kind of have vague ideas floating around but you haven't had that spark yet to get you to put them down? i'm sort of in that position now. i write creative nonfiction (i put it on my blog, if you want to check it out), and it's for fun but eventually i'd like to be a writer and am not sure what to do with the block.

usually it's just because i get really busy with school though.

Gina Hyams said...

Connie, thanks so much for commenting. I'm new to blogging and it's a thrill to find people here who I don't know and have no idea how you found your way here. Actually, thanks to the stat counter, I do have some ideas about how people are discovering this blog, but still it's mysterious and fabulous. Welcome.

...about your question. I struggle with procrastination a lot and unfortunately, there's only one way to become a writer, which is to write. Write before you know what you want to say. Putting one word after the next will eventually reveal your subject and story.

I'd caution you to consider not sharing your early drafts on your blog. Let the material percolate and shelter your creative process, at least for a while. Too early praise is sometimes as damaging as criticism. If you write for yourself before trying to please an audience, the work will be stronger.

Best of luck to you!